Contact Monroe's of Palm Beach

Submit Feedback & Questions

The Staff of Monroe’s LOVES to hear feedback and will try to answer any questions our guests might have.

Monroe’s of Palm Beach Contact Info

Monroe’s is located at:

1000 North Congress Avenue
West Palm Beach, Florida
33409, USA

Reach us is by phone, email, social media or to come see us in person.


Yes! We're Currently OPEN
Hours of operation:

Monday2:00 PM — 5:00 AM
Tuesday2:00 PM — 5:00 AM
Wednesday2:00 PM — 5:00 AM
Thursday2:00 PM — 5:00 AM
Friday2:00 PM — 5:00 AM
Saturday2:00 PM — 5:00 AM
Sunday8:00 PM — 5:00 AM

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Directions to Monroe's of Palm Beach